In my previous post I showed my new inner net pitched on it’s own in garden. It was my intention to have a night out in the hills of Snowdonia last weekend, to try it out in anger, but for one reason or another that was not possible but I did spend a bit of time trying the inner in various positions under my Trailstar.

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Snowdon at dawn from Moel Siabod

In my Trailstar I have tended to sleep with either my feet or my head by the door. If you look into the Trailstar from outside then my bed is on the left hand side if I am sleeping with my feet by the door and on the right hand side if I am sleeping with my head by the door. I tried the inner in these two positions and also across the back, opposite the door, which is another possibility.

In all three positions it was easy enough to raise the netting by clipping the bungee cord at the ends either straight to one of the Trailstar hooks on the inside or by rigging up some dyneema from which to suspend the inner from.

Feet by the door
The inner by the feet is suspended from one of the Trailstar side clips and at the head end I rigged up a bit of dyneema to attach the shock cord of the inner to. The dyneema went form the hook in the apex of the Trailstar to one of the side hooks with a loop part way up to attach the shock cord to. I thought I would need the height but in hindsight I could just as easily take the dyneema from the side hook to the centre pole and the inner net shock cord will hang from that.

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Across the back
This was straightforward, the inner simply attached to the Trailstar side hooks without any need to some fancy rigging, simple. One photo shows the inner without the feet end being suspended showing that there is not really the need to suspend the feet end!

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Head by the door
Lastly, these photos show the inner positioned with my head near the door. I tied some dyneema from an inner hook to the door pole and suspended the inner from that. this worked fine but with the possibility that in the event of rain some water may find it’s way along the dyneema and so onto the inner net! The last photo shows me inside the inner net for scale, I am 5 foot 9 inches tall and of slim build.

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Even though I have not actually slept inside this inner yet I can honestly say that it seems as though it will do the job nicely and I will be able to keep the midges and ticks (and locusts!) at bay while sleeping comfortably in a bit of space. I am very happy with this inner so far and will take it on the TGO Challenge as it is without any modifications. One problem I did come across was that with the shock cord at the head end being internally adjustable, if you had too much shock cord inside then it is going to dangle in your face so the thing to do is to have as little inside as possible to start with and then tension it from the inside a small amount if need be.