TGO Challenge Sickness

I don’t feel very well, I’m coming down with a bit ‘TGO Challenge Sickness’. It’s a whole load worse that man flu so you can imagine, if you are a man of course, how bad it feels! It has been brought on by my decision not to enter for a place on the 2013 TGO Challenge coupled with the fact that a load of my twitter buddies are getting all excited about the Challenge next year. It doesn’t help my sickness either that I’ve been lurking around the TGO Challenge Message Board and reading excited exchanges about where to start, what route to take, best places to camp, is this or that bridge still up, etc.

TGOC 2012, Day 1 camp, head of Strath Duileach, nr Iron Lodge

Seriously though, it’s really great to see and feel the buzz of the beginning of 6 months of preparation for the 2013 TGO Challenge. I was a newbie this year, 2012, and this time last year I got my place and and my excitement and planning process was underway.

I wish everyone who has made the cut all the very best in your planning, whether it is your first or twenty first crossing. I’m going to enjoy following your progress and, ultimately, I may follow you across beautiful Scotland if you are tweeting or uploading tracking data to the internet. If you are on the dreaded ‘list’ then I hope you do eventually get a place, but if your don’t, well there is always 2014!

Talking of 2014, that might be my next TGO Challenge. I have things planned for May and June 2013 (heavily into my photography) which is why I did not apply but 2014 looks likely. It’s a long way off though so who knows.

TGOC 2012, Day 8 camp, Faindouran Lodge, Cairngorms.

By getting out into the hills for few winter overnighters and by planning a short backpacking trip for next spring then my TGO Challenge sickness will surely improve and I will gradually return to full health. Maybe writing up my 2012 TGO Challenge trip report will help too! ;)